Dearne Memorial Group’s Barnsley Cemeteries Project SIP


Why not become a member and help the effort.
We would love to hear your comments so please visit the forum and tell us what you think! The newly refurbished website has only just gone live (June 2020). We will be adding more over the coming weeks and months and years.

You can browse through the cemeteries on the left. Many cemeteries have a gallery page containing photos of the cemetery as well as some information about the cemetery and layout plans.

Who We Are

We are a small group of volunteers who, in 2002, decided to try and improve the standards in Thurnscoe Cemetery, with the objectives to preserve the memorials and historic assets of the cemetery. Since then there have been various projects on the go over the years, see the list here. The group has worked with the Bereavement Services Staff both in the field and in the office.

Some examples of projects, which have been completed, are as follows:

  • Thurnscoe Baby Memorial to 1,015 babies in unmarked graves
  • Miners Memorial to 264 miners killed at Hickleton Main Colliery
  • Yorkshire Stone Miniature headstones for 30 graves in the Baby Section in Thurnscoe Cemetery
  • Bolton on Dearne Baby Memorial to 750 babies buried in unmarked graves

For full list see below

Our Projects Page – click here

All the income from this website will go towards all the cemeteries in the Barnsley Borough, we hope to help Friends Groups to set up their own group to take care of their local cemetery, the funds we raise will help them on their way. There are projects that need starting and funding in most of the cemeteries, our intention is to give as much help as we can.