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(@alan fletcher)
Posts: 1
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i am searching on behalf of a friend for his late uncle Winston Kirk who died at the age of 22.He is buried in jump cemetary.i am made to believe you served in the same regiment and would be grateful of any funeral photos/copies etc.His plot number is 1292u.My friend would like to maintain his uncles grave.He lived at 80 allotts crescent at the time.
thanks for your time.

Posted : 05/01/2012 9:14 pm
Posts: 98
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Hi Alan,

I have some photos of Winstons Funeral and some other photos of him in Malaya also of his grave, Before Chrictmas 2 10 year old boy srayed several headstones with black paint, thi included Winstones, but I phoned the Crematorium Office about it and It had already been been cleaned by the Neighbourhood Pride Graffiti Team.
I will get your email and send the photos off to you.

Kind Regards


Posted : 06/01/2012 3:49 pm
Posts: 98
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Hi Alan,

Can you contact me on my email address [email protected] then I can send you a reply.


Posted : 06/01/2012 3:54 pm
Posts: 1
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I am fairly new to Genealogy and am grateful for all the help from other searches. My fathers family are proving difficult to sort out but I think I found help from your site yesterday .What I should like to Know is now I have grave references how do I work out where the numbers start .I can print off the map which gives me areas but not sure about the rest.
Elaine H

Posted : 10/01/2012 3:41 pm
Posts: 98
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Hi Elaine,

Contact me with the Grave Reference and Cemetery on my email address and I will send you the Grave Plot Map, which shows the grave plan and numbers.
When you have this, you go to the Cemetery and find a headstone with a number and work from there, or count the rows down and in which will bring you to the grave. [email protected]

Take Care


Posted : 10/01/2012 9:12 pm
(@Andrew Butler)
Posts: 1
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I'd like to thank Peter for all his help and advice in locating the graves of my Gt Gt Grandfather Josephus Hackett, my Gt Grandmother Mary Jane Hackett (nee Wright)and my Gt Aunt Agnes Annie Hackett. His knowledge has proved invaluable and directing me to the crematorium office at Ardsley paid extra dividends. The photo's I took on my visit to Thurnscoe will be shared with my extended family and with other members of

Thanks again Peter.

Regards Andrew

Posted : 28/03/2012 9:10 pm
Posts: 2
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As I add more people to my tree,I keep coming back to your site. I am so pleased that you have the burial information made so readily available at such a reasonable cost. Thank you.

Posted : 16/05/2012 6:46 pm
(@Dorothy Marlene Lodge (nee Thompson))
Posts: 1
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i would like to thank all who had any part of this,I was born in Goldthorpe area Jan 1945 my mum died May 1947 ,at 6yrs old I was fostered.I never knew where mum was buried untill a few short years ago,on my visit back to the U.K from Canada I made a point of visiting the cemetery at Bolton on Dearne.I was so pleased to see how well kept the grounds are .After finding this site tonight it is good to know that a donation to help keep up the good work can be done .I will certainly be joining

Posted : 19/08/2012 2:25 am
Posts: 1
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Hi Peter,

This is Nick from Dearne FM.

Thanks once again for taking the time to talk to us yesterday, it really was fascinating to learn about the work you're doing.

Just to let you know that clips of the interview we did will be on Dearne FM throughout the day on Saturday in the news bulletins on the hour.

I hope you get some more breakthroughs soon


Posted : 25/08/2012 12:42 pm
(@Sue Platt)
Posts: 1
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I would like to thank Peter Shields and this website for all the information and help I have had from them in finding five of my ancestors in Wombwell cemetery. The information has been invaluable and the cost of obtaining this information is extremely small given the importance of finding these plots. With many thanks, Sue

Posted : 13/09/2012 5:52 pm
Posts: 98
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To the person who is putting the messages on about contacting the dead, please refrain from doing so, I will delete every message you put on.

Thank you

Posted : 29/04/2013 9:32 pm
Posts: 98
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You are at it again, this site is for people who are finding love ones, not to advertise some Spiritualist or some other nutter trying to con people.

Posted : 09/06/2013 9:59 pm
Posts: 1
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Hi, I've just used your site for the first time and in a matter of seconds found my granddads baby sister who died aged 13 months when he was 3. His mother died 2 months after having his sister & 2 days after my granddads 2nd birthday. I have being trying to find where she is buried with no success. I have spent 2 years trying to find her as my granddad is now 83 and in poor health. Her name was Doris Bradbury, she was 23 & she died in St Georges nursing home on 14/02/1930 and I cant find out where this is. At the time of her death my great granddad lived in Cudworth. Please help!

Posted : 27/06/2013 2:35 pm
Posts: 98
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Hi Sarah,

She died in Doncaster, I have a friend looking for her for you, when I get the info, I will contact the Doncaster Crematorium and find her place of burial for you, email me its on the contacts page and I will get the info to you.


Posted : 28/06/2013 11:03 pm
Posts: 98
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Hi Sarah,

I have been in contact with Doncaster archives, will you contact them at [email protected] or phone 01302 859811 and give them as much information as you can and they will do a search for you as they have many records for Cemeteries and Church Yards. email me at [email protected] I had an email from a friend with Doris's info of her death Page No and Section etc.


Posted : 10/07/2013 9:58 pm
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